Exchange No. 8 Skip to main content

Exchange No. 8

Ron Richmond (1963– ), Exchange No. 8, 2003-04, oil on canvas, 60 1/8 x 60 1/8 inches. Brigham Young University Museum of Art, purchased with funds provided by Lew and Gail Burnham.


In the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, conceptual works have supplemented more traditional renderings of the Savior by focusing on His attributes, rather than on the narrative of His life. This type of art lends itself to abstract ideas, encouraging viewers to ponder the multiple levels of meaning vested in a work. Often signs and symbols replace the human form of Christ, as in this painting. Through the placement and juxtaposition of chairs and cloths, the artist reflects on the manifold roles of Christ as Advocate, Judge, Mediator, and Resurrected Savior. The draped fabrics call to mind the Messianic words: “though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow…” (Isaiah 1:18).

Curricular Resources

The MOA has created suggested discussion prompts and assignments for BYU CIV faculty and students to use. Each assignment is based on themes that correspond with GE learning outcomes.

View Curricular Resources Related to This Work:
Religious Symbolism