Krishna Being Greeted by a Friend

Krishna Being Greeted by a Friend
India, 18th century
Brigham Young University Museum of Art, gift of Lorraine Allen, 920028900
This exquisite painting illustrates the intimate friendship that a devotee can feel through Krishna-bhakti. Krishna and the bejeweled visitor stand atop a pedestal, as Krishna offers his friend a welcoming embrace. Generous in nature, Krishna will bestow the utmost hospitality upon his beloved friend, as evidenced by the women that attend them. One woman holds a pitcher, perhaps containing water for refreshment or bathing, while the second carries a wide-mouthed vessel, possibly food for the visiting friend.
Rasa is fundamental to Krishna worship—the idea that through bhakti, genuine relationships between god and the devotee become as real and present as that of any true friend. Narratives and images of Krishna emphasize the importance of various relationships to Krishna, whose loving and playful nature make him an exemplary deity with whom to experience rasa.
All photographs and videos have been provided by Entrepid Productions with support from Andrew Hair, Daniel King, and Garth Pratt.