MAY 31, 2019 – JANUARY 15, 2022

Becoming America continues in the tradition set by the MOA’s recent American exhibitions by showcasing works by renowned artists including Maynard Dixon, Minerva Teichert, Norman Rockwell, Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, and others. The exhibition also brings works to light which have not been previously displayed.
The paintings, prints, and sculptures in this new exhibition, drawn from the permanent collection of the BYU Museum of Art, speak of the many frontiers on which America has been and continues to be formed. They are cultural, ideological, as well as physical frontiers, symbolic spaces where powerful ideas constantly rush into each other in a vast river—against which, and within which, America explores its potential.
While each artwork tells its own story, they are gathered in thematic groups as though in dialogue, in conversation. We invite you to join in the conversation, to commune with our collection and explore the frontiers of America’s land and peoples, of economic potential and division, frontiers of freedom and conflict, frontiers in which America’s power is most evident not in what it is, but in what it is still becoming.
In conjunction with the exhibition, the MOA has created a mobile tour of the exhibition on the new BYU Museum of Art app. This self-guided tour is complete with behind-the scenes stories, artist biographies, and audio narration. The app content provides an inside look at the exhibition for both in-person visitors and those exploring the exhibition from home. Download here for iOS