Guest Post by McKall Larsen, MOA Marketing Assistant
Between now and Christmas the MOA is having a fun activity: The 12 Days of Christmas Scavenger Hunt!
I decided in order to discuss this activity I would need to participate in the Scavenger hunt myself, and I loved it. Seeing all the different pieces that were included and how they were all tied into Christmas was just magical. I liked how some pieces have an obvious connection to the holidays like, Nativity by Brian Kershisnik, or Flight into Egypt by Frederick Goodall. Others need a bit more imagination and pondering to see the connection to Christmas. Pieces like Plexus no. 29 by Gabriel Dawe don’t have a visibly obvious connection to God and his love for us, but with a little thinking (and reading the scavenger hunt guide) it ended up being my favorite piece and description in the activity. The guide at the front desk has explanations and thought-provoking questions for each piece, and they are really what contributed to the experience. It felt like I was walking through the museum with a super insightful and spiritual friend.
If you are needing a workout, come do this activity. It had me going upstairs, back downstairs and everywhere. It was really cool to experience this all over the museum and as I looked for pieces on the list I found myself also getting distracted by pieces that weren’t even included. And if you are not looking to get 10,000 steps in, you can always do them out of order, the fun is still there and either way you get to see some cool pieces.
As a college student preparing for and taking finals, this activity was just the break I needed. It gave me some time to be alone with my thoughts, (thoughts that weren’t biology and American heritage) and remember all the things that matter most this time of year.