"Come, Follow Me" - December 2022 Skip to main content
Come Follow Me

"Come, Follow Me" - December 2022

Art and scripture often work hand in hand to share and reinforce religious beliefs. Explore our Come Follow Me selections for this month to see how art and scripture can support one another in creating spiritual meaning. This month, Come, Follow Me overlaps with our Countdown to Christmas campaign! The final two weeks' artworks are intended for both programs.

November 28 - December 4

In Habakkuk Chapter 1, the prophet grieves that he feels the Lord has abandoned his people; the Lord responds with His fuller perspective, but Habakkuk still laments that the situation is not fair. However, by Chapter 3, he is less concerned with how things “should” be and declares that regardless, “I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” This is a reminder that spiritual progression includes more than our actions—it also includes our thoughts and attitudes.

While Habakkuk prompts us as to what progression can be, Michael Clane Graves’ painting depicts how it happens: line up line. We will each improve at our own paces, and the Lord just cares that we move forward.

What do you learn about progression from Graves’ artwork?

December 5 - 11

In response to concerns that the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem would not measure up to the previously destroyed edifice, the Lord comforted, “The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former.” More importantly, though, just as the last, “in this place will I give peace,” he said (Haggai 2:9).

Ronald B. Ramsden’s watercolor embodies the teachings that the temple is a house of light and truth, and inside we are instructed from on high. Like Elder Bednar taught, “We do not come to the temple to hide from or escape the evils of the world. Rather, we come to the temple to conquer the world of evil” (April 2020).

How does the temple help you conquer the world of evil?

December 12 - 18

Perhaps the phrase, “the government shall be upon his shoulder” refers both to Christ’s mortal and post-mortal ministries. When Christ comes again, the responsibility of governing will be upon His shoulder, and He will rule perfectly. As to His mortal ministry, Jesus bore the weight of all nations through the atonement.

Paige Anderson’s triptych reminds the viewer that the atonement is universal, yes, but also individual, as with the individual shapes included in her work. Moreover, while Christ suffered under the weight of the world in Gethsemane and Golgotha, He overcame it all in His triumphant resurrection, featured in the center panel here.

What does Paige Anderson’s painting teach you about Christ’s atonement?

December 19 - 25

This nativity reminds us of the sacredness of Christ’s birth and life—surely, the angels rejoiced when this humble king came to earth. The Old Testament teaches us about the premortal Christ: it offers stories of heartache, despair, captivity, destruction, loss, fear, and more; yet throughout these pages, we read about the Lord providing a way to overcome these trials. No matter the obstacle, He is always there as the Prince of Peace.

This week we have highlighted just a few of Christ’s names—what is your favorite name of Christ and why?