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Come Follow Me

"Come, Follow Me" - October 2024

Artworks for 3 & 4 Nephi

Our artistic journey through the Book of Mormon continues! Each month on our website, you can find artworks to accompany each of the coming month's Come, Follow Me readings. You can also subscribe to get email reminders when new artworks are ready or follow along weekly on Instagram or Facebook. We hope that art-lovers everywhere will be inspired by these artworks as they complement their gospel study, family discussions, and church classes with fine art from around the world. Here are our selected artworks for September

September 30 - October 6

In this engraving, Christ instructs his newly called Apostles in the order of prayer. Alphabetically labeled, the text accompanying the image emphasizes the significance of this event:

(a) Jesus invites his disciples to pray to the Father in His name and preach the gospel.
(b) Within the leftmost circle, the Apostles look to Christ as He looks to the Father in a moment of advocacy.
(c) Light emanates through a central window, signifying the Son and Father’s splendor.
(d) The rightmost circle depicts Gabriel, Mary, and the Holy Ghost descending in the form of a dove during the moment of Christ’s incarnation—the miraculous act that imbued the Savior with empathetic humanity.

Of his many teachings, Christ’s invitation to “ask,” “seek,” and “knock” is particularly inspiring (3 Nephi 14:7-11). The Savior fulfills His intercessory role, allowing us to address God directly—and confidently—in His name.

What do you learn from reading Christ’s own prayer?

October 7-13

After healing the sick, blessing the children, and praying for the people of Bountiful, the Savior exclaimed, “My joy is full.” He continued his efforts of love with the institution of the sacrament, which provided a way for the Nephites to make covenants and be blessed with His spirit.

The Savior’s joy that comes from helping his people is apparent in Minerva Teichert’s painting. He generously welcomes everyone willing to partake of the emblems of his sacrifice. His soft smile as he interacts with each individual shows the care he has for them, providing a path of hope and repentance.

What does the sacrament mean to you?

October 14-20

Tithing has been practiced by God’s children since the Law of Moses. In 3 Nephi 24, the children of Israel are promised abundant blessings for faithfully following this commandment, so great that “there shall not be room enough to receive it.”

Receiving these blessings requires sacrifice on behalf of the faithful. Lee Udall Bennion’s painting shows a woman proudly presenting the fruits of her labors. Though not a monetary gift, she embodies the spirit of humility as she willingly gives up a portion of what she has created.

What blessings have you seen in your life from obeying the law of tithing?

Ocotber 21-27

“What manner of men ought ye to be?” Christ asked his disciples in the Americas. “Verily I say unto you, even as I am” (3 Nephi 27:27). From miraculous birth to triumphant resurrection, the Savior set the perfect example. This is especially true of His baptism. Though he was without sin, he humbly underwent this ordinance to “fulfill all righteousness” (Matthew 3:15).

In this painting, notice how John the Baptist’s upward gaze and authoritative hand direct the eye to the Holy Ghost, witnessing in the form of a radiant dove. In contrast, a barefoot Christ looks submissively downward as he ascends a small hill of holy ground.

This depiction emphasizes not only the importance of baptism by water, but also by spirit. In the words of the Prophet Joseph Smith, “The baptism of water, without the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost attending it, is of no use; they are necessarily and inseparably connected.”

Past 'Come, Follow Me' Artworks

"Come, Follow Me" - September 2024

Artworks for Helaman and 3 Nephi 1-11

"Come, Follow Me" - August 2024

Artworks for the Final Chapters of Alma

"Come, Follow Me" - July 2024

Artworks for Alma 17-35