Daily Universe: 'MOA Gallery Talk showcases work of Norm Darais, McRay Magleby' Skip to main content

Daily Universe: 'MOA Gallery Talk showcases work of Norm Darais, McRay Magleby'

By Joe Wirthlin

bakery_cake_Goussard_081205 _Magleby Posters-286.jpg
McRay Magleby and Norm Darais, "Cake," 1982, screenprint, 29 x 21," Brigham Young University Museum of Art.

"The BYU Museum of Art hosted a Gallery Talk for the “Wit and Vision” exhibition on July 12, highlighting the work of Norm Darais and McRay “Mac” Magleby.

"Kitsa Oteo, Museum Educator for the MOA, lead more than a dozen people through the exhibition. Guests learned about the history behind the artwork on the walls, the methods of creating them and how Darais and Magleby worked together to create the art on display.”

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