The MOA has been approved to reopen to the public on August 17, 2020. The reopening protocol, in alignment with University policy, is listed below. Museum visitors and staff are required to follow this protocol when visiting the museum. Any of these protocols may be changed without prior notice, but we will strive to keep patrons aware of changes on this website and MOA social media platforms. Thank you for your feedback, suggestions, and participation with us as we navigate these changes. We are excited to welcome you back through our doors! – The BYU Museum of Art Staff Adjusted MOA Hours:
Monday-Thursday 10 AM – 6 PM
Friday 10 AM – 8 PM
Saturday 10 AM – 4 PM
Closed Sunday
10 AM – 12 PM on Wednesdays are reserved for immunocompromised patrons In keeping with University protocol, students and visitors on campus are required to wear a mask, including during your visit to the MOA. Those who do not wear a mask will be asked to save their visit for a time in the future. Children under 2 do not have to wear a mask. Please use the North doors (near the parking lot) as the entrance to the MOA. We encourage those who are able to use the South doors (near the HFAC) as the exit following your visit. No walk-throughs. We now ask that all visitors check in at the front desk at the beginning of your visit to the MOA. Please follow social distancing guidelines as you visit the museum by keeping a six-foot distance from other visitors. To assist with social distancing, the MOA Store has a max capacity of five customers at any given time. No handouts nor gallery guides will be available in the galleries. Please ask at the front desk for gallery guides, maps, and handouts related to the exhibitions. There are hand sanitizing stations throughout the museum. We encourage patrons to use these stations, refrain from touching surfaces when possible, and wash hands prior to and after visiting the museum. If you are experiencing any illness, including fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, muscle aches, or decreased sense of smell or taste, please save your visit to the MOA for another day when you’re feeling better. MOA employees will be wearing masks and following 6-foot physical distancing guidelines, as required by the University. The MOA Custodial Department will be frequently clearing the museum as well. Virtual events and programming, including tours and full exhibitions, can be found on the MOA website, Facebook, Instagram, and the BYU Museum of Art app. For more information, please visit