New Hours at the MOA, Starting Jan 9! Skip to main content

New Hours at the MOA, Starting Jan 9!

To better accommodate Family Home Evening groups, the MOA will now be open on Monday evenings until 9 PM. The MOA will now close on Wednesday evenings at 6 PM.

The MOA will also begin a special FHE tour program on Monday evenings. Join a museum curator for short tours of

To Magnify the Lord: Six Centuries of Art and Devotion

on Monday nights at 7:00 and 7:30 PM. Just meet at the entrance of the exhibition! Or, if you prefer, wander the galleries independent of a guide!

We encourage Mutual groups that wish to visit the MOA to arrange to visit on Thursdays. Please call 801-422-1140 to schedule tours for groups.

New MOA Hours:

Monday, Thursday, Friday 10 AM - 9 PM

Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 10 AM - 6 PM

Closed Sunday