A Studio of Her Own: Women Artists in the Collection
Take a moment to explore the gallery with our virtual exhibition

A pioneer of soft sculpture, this work showcases Haworth's ability to manipulate fabric and her skill as a seamstress. Charm bracelets memorialize specific moments of time. Haworth developed a love of France and French culture through travels with her mother.
What is a memory you have with your mother that you would add to your own charm bracelet?

For Clarke, the trend of minimalism was unable to capture the cluttered, and often busy, experience of being a woman. The abundance of fruits and flowers serves as a reminder of the plentitude of good things that surround us.
In this paintings, a family is gathered around the table to partake in the abundance together. Where does your family gather?
How does this scene remind you of your own home?

This woman is holding bread out as an extension of her love and desire to serve others. The bread rests on her apron, as if an altar upon which she acknowledges both blessings received and labors rendered. In so doing, she becomes an instrument in giving nourishment to her children, friends, and neighbors. She is participating in an act of devotion and love toward all who partake.
What is something that you mother gives to you in abundance?
What has your mother sacrificed for you?
As you have seen while exploring the virtual exhibition and these artworks above, the women we know—especially mothers—add beauty and color to our lives. Join us in creating an art project using textiles and spring colors to create a bouquet of flowers in honor of Mother's Day. * If you do not have these supplies at home or available to you, consider using construction or tissue paper, pip cleaners, and Elmer's glue. * Anemones
Supplies: Light pink and black wool felt 1 cm wool felt pompoms for the center of the flower Good scissors Hot glue gun that has a 'low heat' setting 18 gauge floral wire Wire cutters
Steps: 1. Cut out 9 petals out of the light pink felt by cutting triangles with two rounded edges and one point. 2. Cut flower centers by cutting a small 'X' into the pom pom ball, add a db of hot glue to the center and stick your floral wire inside. 3. Add hot glue to the base of your center rectangle and wrap it around the pompom. Fan out the small pieces cut into the center. 4. Add cut-out petals by starting with four petals as a top layer and five underneath. Connect them to the wire with the black dot and fanned out rectangle using hot glue. 5. Cut a slit in the green leaf petal and slide it onto the flower stem, glue and pinch to finish off the flower. Calla Lillies
Supplies: 18 Gauge Floral Wire (9' - 10' lengths) White felt sheet Green felt sheet Wilton flower stamens Hot glue gun
Steps: 1. Twist the stamen tops slights so that they clump together. 2. Wrap the ends of the stamens around the stems. 3. Add a dab of hot glue to the stamens and wrap them around the wire. 4. Add a dap of hot glue to the bottom of the petal piece and press wire into the glue just below the stamens. 5. Apply hot glue along right bottom edge of the petal. 6. Lightly wrap the right side of the petal around the stamens. 7. Apply hot glue along left bottom edge of petal. 8. Gently wrap the left side of the petal around to the back of the flower. Hold in place until the glue dries. 9. Add a line of glue down the center of the base lear. 10. Secure the base to the front of the flower, covering the very bottom of the petal. 11. Wrap and glue the base around the petal and the wire. 12. Add a dab of glue to the cotton center of the leaf and attach it at the bottom base piece. Wrap the leaf around and glue the sides together. 13. Repeat!