Primal Forces: Earth Skip to main content


MARCH 24 - DECEMBER 28, 2023
Glen Canyon
Brenda Smith, 'Glen Canyon 2,' 42 in x 33 inches, 2020.

All life on this planet depends on earth but the very soil that nurtures growth can just as easily destroy. In this new exhibition from Studio Art Quilt Associates, Inc., you'll witness the nurturing and destructive powers of the earth stitched together in ornate quilts.

Just like the forces that shape the planet, quilts are forged through violent processes, even as they create warmth, comfort, and protection. After you've explored this juxtaposition of subject and medium in Primal Forces: Earth, you'll never look at the world (or your own bedspread) the same way again.

This exhibition was created by Studio Art Quilt Associates, Inc. Many of the artworks in this exhibition are for purchase. Browse these and other works here.
