Van Gogh to Playdough March: Travel Skip to main content
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Van Gogh to Playdough March: Travel

Tuesday, March 05
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
BYU Museum of Art

This Month's Project

Join us in the month of March as we venture into our Of Souls and Sacraments exhibition and talk about travel! We will begin our journey by reading a fun story, followed by making our way into the gallery and looking at an artwork, and finishing our trip by heading back upstairs to the studio where we will make a fun project together!

About Van Gogh to Playdough:

This popular activity, specially designed for children ages 3-5 and their caregivers, will help your child read, sing, play, look, and create together while exploring artistic themes.

It's free and open to the public, but registration via Eventbrite is required. Registration for Van Gogh to Playdough: Art for Pre-K opens at 10:00 AM on the third Monday of every month for classes held the following month (please register for only one date, as the same program is repeated during the entire month). One adult chaperone is required for every three children.

If you have a large group, please contact us directly at (801) 422-1140 to arrange a way to accommodate you.

Please note that the Museum opens at 10:00 AM. If you arrive a few minutes early, please let our Security Guard know that you are here for Van Gogh to Playdough, and he or she will lead you to our waiting area inside the Museum.

As this activity is likely to be fully booked, if you can no longer attend, please let us know so we can free up your spots for other children.

Registration opens February 19