Artwork of the Week: January 06

In this painting, the pioneering icebreaker USS Bear boldly approaches the shoreline of the Antarctic, similar to students arriving back on BYU campus for a new Winter semester. The American painter Leland Curtis was the official artist of the United States Antarctic Expeditions from 1939 to 1957, seeking to bring this mysterious icy landscape to the attention of his contemporary countrymen. Although representing the chilling environment of the frozen continent, the audience is drawn into the warmth of the scene displayed through the multiple bright light patterns and vivid blue hues piercing through the glacial waters, inviting a closer look at the scene.
This artwork aims to remind the viewer of the grandeur of the natural world, putting it in context and scale with an almost imperceptible man-made ship in the lower left corner of the painting. While the expedition members aboard this ship knew where they were going, they trusted that their time spent on the continent would be worth the long hours and unfamiliar research environment. Ultimately, Curtis gained national recognition and praise for his invaluable depictions of the southern-most continent upon his return to the United States.
This oil on canvas painting is currently on display in our exhibit Crossing the Divide, nestled within a dense wall installation, until September 2029.