"Come, Follow Me" - February 2024 Skip to main content
Come Follow Me

"Come, Follow Me" - February 2024

Artworks to accompany readings from 1 & 2 Nephi

Our artistic journey through the Book of Mormon continues! Each month on our website, you can find artworks to accompany each of the coming month's Come, Follow Me readings. You can also subscribe to get email reminders when new artworks are ready or follow along weekly on Instagram or Facebook. We hope that art-lovers everywhere will be inspired by these artworks as they complement their gospel study, family discussions, and church classes with fine art from around the world. Here are our selected artworks for February:

January 29 - February 4

Nephi was tasked with something seemingly impossible: to build a ship with no resources to be further guided towards the promised land by the Lord. With divine assistance, Nephi was able to accomplish what he was commanded to do.

Reflecting on this painting by Minerva Teichert, we can see that the Lord’s command required the faithful actions of an entire family. It is important to recognize that their family had their own imperfections and struggles. Coming together required time, patience and sacrifice. We can be inspired by their preparations and eventual unity. Rather than allowing their minds to be clouded with doubt, this family was spurred forward by the faith that the Lord would lead them to their promised land.

In what ways can you follow the examples of Nephi’s family, as shown in Teichert’s art?

February 5-11

Before his death, Lehi provided additional and beautiful doctrine about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He teaches his family that both the Fall and the Atoning sacrifice of Christ are necessary and intentional aspects of Heavenly Father’s plan for our happiness.

Paige Anderson’s triptych invites the viewer to interpret the Atonement of Jesus Christ individually. Connect these colors, shapes, and patterns to what Christ’s life and ultimate sacrifice mean to you. Ponder on the role of the Atonement in your life.

What does Paige Anderson’s painting teach you about Christ’s love for you?

February 12-18

After Lehi’s death in 2 Nephi 4, Nephi councils with the Lord from a place of great despair and anxiety. We can be comforted knowing that even people like Nephi experience periods of great sorrow and emotional trial. Such low points teach us who we need to turn to: Jesus Christ.

This unique portrait of the Savior by J. Kirk Richards emphasizes his unparalleled sacrifice for us. As Nephi shares the feelings of his soul, he exclaims that we need not remain in our lowest places. Jesus died for each of us, allowing him to empathize and lift us from our moments of weakness.

What emotions and feelings does this painting evoke?

February 19-25

Our life on Earth serves as a period of learning and preparation to become more like our Father in Heaven. He has blessed us with agency, allowing us to make decisions for ourselves.

God’s plan ensures that there is life after death. After we leave this life, we will reflect on and be judged for our choices in this life. Mark Steven Walker depicts Jacob’s teachings that “we shall have a perfect knowledge of all our guilt...[and righteousness]” (2 Nephi 9:14). Reflect on these images and how you feel you align with them.

What steps do you feel inspired to take this year to fulfill your purpose in this life?

Past 'Come, Follow Me' Artworks

"Come, Follow Me" - December 2024

Artworks for the End of the Book of Mormon

"Come, Follow Me" - November 2024

Artworks for Mormon and Ether

"Come, Follow Me" - October 2024

Artworks for 3 & 4 Nephi