You are generally welcome to use phones to take personal photos and videos at the Museum of Art in many circumstances, and we invite you to tag the Museum (@byumoa) on social media in your photos. There are, however, certain restrictions we expect all visitors to honor, unless they have made previous arrangements with the Museum. These restrictions are in place to ensure that all copyright and accreditation agreements are met, that artwork remains undamaged, and that all visitors can enjoy their time at the MOA free of disruption. These restrictions are:

- In certain exhibitions or other areas of the Museum, photography or filming is not allowed. These spaces will be marked with clear signage.
- Flash photography is not permitted.
- Non-phone cameras, tripods, selfie-sticks, and other stabilizing equipment is not permitted.
- All filming and photography must be for personal, non-commercial use.
- All filming and photography must not disrupt the experience of other Museum visitors.
If you are a commercial photographer or videographer, a member of the press, or are otherwise are seeking an exception to any of these restrictions, you will need to request permission from the Museum Communications Department by completing this form. Each request will be evaluated by our executive team based on staffing availability (as members of our staff will need to be present to ensure the safety of our collection and the honoring of copyright agreements) and how well the project helps the MOA fulfill its mission.
Please submit your request at least two weeks in advance to ensure that our team can properly consider your application and provide the necessary staffing to accompany your filming or photography. Please also note that the earlier your request is submitted, the more likely it is to be accepted. If you attempt to defy these restrictions without proper authorization, you will be stopped by Museum Security.
Thank you for understanding.